Doors of Opportunity


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We hear about opportunities after opportunities, so why are there so many people still complaining? As infants with natural instincts we suck and grasp toward every opportunity. Yet, as we grow up from being babies, action on each individual’s part … Continue reading

Be Careful of Chameleons


I was talking to an older couple the other day while out grabbing a bite to eat. I was sitting at a local restaurant by myself and the couple began to strike up a conversation. The husband asked, “What is … Continue reading

Celebrating Milestones


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Milestones are an important and common way to determine how far we’ve come and how far we need to go. Excitement feels the air as the next steps are becoming closer and closer. Remember, the first time your baby began … Continue reading

It Takes Strength To Handle Favor


When I was a young child l remember classmates discussing students being a “teacher’s pet”, another name for a favorite student. If I remember correctly, the teacher gave those students more responsibility than other students in the class, and the … Continue reading

The Art of Teaching


Many want to lead, but have difficulty following. A good steward becomes a great teacher. If you do not grasp the Art of being the student, your skills as the teacher remain primitive. “A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.”~ Jim Rohn

A good steward becomes a great teacher. If you do not grasp the Art of being the student, your skills as the teacher remain primitive.

A good steward becomes a great teacher. If you do not grasp the Art of being the student, your skills as the teacher remain primitive.- Paula Jackson


Setbacks, mere obstacles

Growth is inevitable when you learn from your experiences, giving up is not an option. Setbacks are viewed as challenges, a mere obstacle that you will overcome because you believe in yourself. “A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience.”-Elbert Hubbard…Keep growing, learn something new daily.

Growth is inevitable when you learn from your experiences, giving up is not an option. Setbacks are viewed as challenges, a mere obstacle when you believe in yourself.   Growth is inevitable when you learn from your experiences, giving up is not an option. Setbacks are viewed as challenges, a mere obstacle when you believe in yourself.-Pamela Murphy MS, MA